Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mini Update Time

I'm really determined to post the video for "Hip Hop Saved My Life" as soon as it's out, but I have seen no new news on that. I'm on it though, I promise! I'm determined to be the best source for all things Child Rebel Soldier -related.
Here's another article on the possibility of 50 remixing "Flashing Lights" for Kanye. Sounds like it's happening. I wonder if they have or will spend time in the studio together. Ideas?
I haven't commented on the pre-sales for TGITDT (figure that acronym out) yet because I haven't experienced it much for myself. Yes, I'm a fanclub member. I'm gonna be 5 star at the HP Pavilion, so I got what I want...people seem upset because they think they didn't get enough notice...chill guys...more dates are being announced. Also, being in the fanclub doesn't guarantee anything. If you think you got a bad deal...I read a forum post by a woman who was in the fanclub and couldn't use the code because she needs wheel-chair access, which at the time wasn't available with pre-sales. I think that might be fixed now, I'm not sure. I'm just saying if you didn't get pre-sales....that sucks and all, but some people are dealing with other issues that they don't have control of. Hopefully this stuff will get worked out, but it's hard to make everyone happy! People on the forums...I understand your concerns, but you folks gotta cut out all that immature repeat posting you're doing. Don't post your friggin' "OMG I HAT YOU I DINT GET PRESAILZ!!1" on every board...that doesn't belong in like discussion boards and posting it like 10 times just makes you look dumb...


@SeanTheRobot said...

I think everyone want's to post that HHSML video as soon as possible.

If 50 really does Flashing Lights...I don't think they gonna do it together in the studio.

But who knows

Es said...

you right girl! love the blog! i even featured it on my own blog! keep holding it down for CRS! and i'm kinda mad my situation wont allow me to attend the TGITDT in ATL, but i still love them! lol

Anonymous said...

although in studio would cause publicity for both rappers as people would want to know how it sounds and thered be rumors and stuff causing hype around it.for music sake id rather 50 stayed away.kanyes stuff is too good.

Anonymous said...

I am kinda confused because I thought they already recorded a remix to Flashing Lights...its not an official version but i have it...I think its on the Graduate.