Sunday, April 20, 2008

New Madonna Leaked, Kanye and Alexis Reportedly Split

About half of the tracks off of Madonna's upcoming album have been leaked, including work with Pharrell. Perez Hilton made a post about it here.
Blackvoices is reporting that Kanye and Alexis have ended their engagement. The article goes on to speculate on future possibilities in Kanye's romantic life. Also, an article over at sohh is saying they broke up in fall 2006, but that doesn't make any sense. Maybe it's just a typo. Fall 2007 would be a bit more believable. Who knows? Not me.


K. Denise said...

Yeah i saw that on C&D but that just means more Ye for me lol j/k.

Boutique Mix Fashion said...

hmm.....wonder who pulled the plug on that relationship